

Donate with PayPal or Zelle




Other ways to donate

With Literature Order

  • Add a donation to your literature orders. When ordering through FA’s Online e-Store, simply select a donation amount and add it to your cart. Your donation will then be added to the total cost of your order.

By Mail

  • Include a donation with your literature orders. Simply add the amount of your donation to the appropriate line on the literature-order form, and mail the form and your payment to the WSO.
  • Make a single gift to FA, either individually or from your group. Groups that have accrued more money than necessary to pay their expenses are encouraged to donate their “surplus funds” to the WSO or to any intergroup or national service board of which they are a part.
  • Make single-event donations to FA. If you would like the WSO to share news of the special event, please include a note (typed or legibly printed) stating your first name and last initial, your group number, and the reason for your donation. The notice will be published in FA’s newsletter.
  • Checks and money orders should be made payable to “Families Anonymous, Inc.” and mailed to:

    Families Anonymous, Inc.
    World Service Office
    701 Lee Street, Suite 670
    Des Plaines, IL 60016

    Because FA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, any personal donations made by members are tax deductible and will be acknowledged by a letter from the WSO.

By Phone

  • Any donations that can be made by mail (see above) can also be made by phone. To give a single gift, make a single-event donation, or order literature, call the WSO at (847) 294-5877 or, in the US, at (800) 736-9805.
FA’s World Service Office

The WSO has critical responsibilities and performs essential functions that keep the fellowship running. Among them are:

  • maintaining our literature inventory and fulfilling all literature orders
  • distributing our periodical newsletter, Serenity Messenger (formerly The Twelve Step Rag )
  • keeping our website updated and functioning smoothly
  • coordinating the registration and re-registration of FA groups
  • handling communications between the World Service Board and our FA groups
  • supporting our annual World Service Convention and the work of our Group Outreach Committee
  • answering phone calls from distressed parents and other relatives concerned about their loved ones’ real or suspected use of alcohol or drugs or related behavioral problems
  • responding to inquiries about the FA program from outside the fellowship, and directing people to our meeting locations
How to Donate Using Zelle

How to Use ZELLE® To Donate to the Fellowship

Zelle is a computer application that enables you to electronically send and receive money to and from people you know. Once you enroll in Zelle, you only need the preferred email address or mobile phone number of the intended recipient to donate money.

Zelle is offered by over ninety (90) banks and credit unions in the United States, including Capital One, Wells Fargo, Chase, and Bank of America. To get started, make sure you’re enrolled in your bank’s mobile banking app. Go to your bank’s website or call their help line to find out how to do that.

Then, log into your mobile banking account and follow the directions to select the “Zelle” service. To send money using Zelle, you simply select the recipient from your mobile device’s contacts (or add a new recipient’s email address or U.S. mobile number), enter the amount you’d like to send, review, then hit “confirm.” For Families Anonymous, you’d use

The money you send goes directly from your bank account to the recipient’s bank account (even if it’s in a bank different from yours), and the funds are available in minutes. There’s no fee, no checks to write, and the transaction is secure. Once you send money to a particular person or entity (such as FA), their information is saved in your Zelle account so making future donations is easy: log into your online banking account and go to the Zelle service, click on the FA name, and enter the amount you want to give.

Now that many former face-to-face meetings are being held online, a number of local FA groups have also adopted Zelle as a way to virtually “pass the basket.” Please take a few minutes now to explore how you can use your online banking app and Zelle to conveniently support your local FA group and the World Service Office.

For additional information or support, go to

*ZELLE® is a trademark owned by Early Warning Services, LLC.

Single-Event Donations

Single-event donations include:

  • gratitude donations (thanking FA for guiding your way toward peace and serenity amidst chaos and dysfunction)
  • celebratory donations (marking a special occasion, such as the sobriety milestone of a loved one or the anniversary of your first FA meeting)
  • in memoriam donations (honoring the memory of a beloved family member or friend, whether within or outside the fellowship)

Notices published in FA’s newsletter typically take the following form:

  • With gratitude to FA for helping me find peace and serenity. From Adam A., Group #1234, Anytown, CA
  • In memory of Charlie C., beloved FA friend. From Group #5678, Athens, Greece
  • In honor of Tom T.’s graduation from high school. From Frank T. and Fran T., Group #3456, Somewhere, NY

(Note: The newsletter editors reserve the right to edit submitted statements to meet space and editorial standards.)

Legacy Donations
Families Anonymous 7th Tradition

FA is bound by our 7th Tradition, which states that “Every group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” Thus, FA can accept donations only from within the fellowship. This means only from you, your FA fellow members, your group, and other FA groups, intergroups, and national service boards.

You can also “spread the word” further among your fellow FA members by printing out copies of WSOF-09 Supporting Your Fellowship and distributing them at your meetings.