FA’s member-written “daily-thought” book; fully indexed, beautiful red cover, gold foil–stamped design, hard cover, 400 pages.
Note: After publication of this current edition of TABW, a World Service Board–approved change was made to the January 1 reading. The revised reading is available at Free Downloads>>Additional Literature. Simply print it out, trim it to size, and insert it into your copy of TABW.
Today A Better Way (#1015) is also available as an e-book (#1015-EK for Kindle, #1015-EP for Apple iPad/iPhone/iPod or B&N Nook) with interactive table of contents and interactive index. Price: $9.99.
• Kindle users may purchase #1015-EK directly from the Kindle Store.
• Apple iPad/iPhone/iPod users may purchase #1015-EP directly from the iTunes Store.
• Barnes and Noble Nook users may purchase #1015-EP directly from the Nook Store.