Attracting and Retaining Newcomers

Do you struggle to attract new members?

Do newcomers stop attending after only a few meetings?

Want to know what resources are available to help you “spread the word”?

If you answer yes to either of these questions, we welcome you to watch FA’s educational session on “Attracting and Retaining Newcomers” (below)

Help with Holidays

Family gatherings and holiday events can be tough, but we have options. There are things we can do to help us navigate the occasions that often bring added stress to family recovery.

Seasoned veterans of family recovery, Jeff & Jeanne share their family gathering experiences, offer ideas for dealing with our emotions and leave you with encouragement for your own journey through the next family event.

Addiction Recovery thru the Eyes of a Recovering Alcoholic

In this session you will hear about a journey of addiction from a recovering alcoholic. Randy Humphrey has been sober for 37 years and has worked in the field of addiction in various roles for the last ten years. He will discuss reasons for addiction, what the substance user is dealing with in their struggles for sobriety and why, various treatment options, levels of care and much more. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about substance use disorder from the experience of the user.

Creating Personal Balance, and Achieving Emotional Freedom

Are you feeling a bit out of balance with a tendency to give from the core instead of the surplus? Do you struggle with letting go of worry, resentment or regret? If so, please join Betty Hill Crowson, retreat director and author from, as she presents some doable solutions for getting our feet back under us and moving towards emotional freedom. Learn to regroup, refill, recover and release.